Street Safe Thinking

Street Safe Thinking is about our individual mindset as we interact with the world around us.

It is a very sad but indisputable fact that we live in a dangerous world.

Fortunately, for most, it does not affect us directly. We can read about the many terrible things which happen in the news but they do not cross our door.

That is until they do, suddenly and without warning. Then when in the jaws of whatever has happened, we can be defeated or we can survive and prevail. 

At its worst, it takes lives and destroys the future happiness of individuals, families and communities.

The great news is that being even slightly prepared, darmatically increases our chances of survival.

Street Safe Thinking is the mindset we need to help to protect us in a dynamic, often fragile and dangerous world.  It lifts mindfulness into a state he calls Street Safe Awareness.

To achieve this, Collicutt identifies 6 critical habits that each of us need to have developed before we leave home; go to university; travel on our own; move to a strange city or generally put ourselves out into the big wide, often bad, world.

Bringing those habits to life with examples, often personal, from around the world, Collicutt explains why we need to take responsibility for our own safety, remain adaptable, and not rely on others to help when things go wrong.

With the habits in place, Street Safe Thinking, goes on to describe specific actions each of us can take when confronted by a wide array of threats. From a rioting crowd, a stabbing, and physical assault to avoiding daily accidents the guides cover the full spectrum of threats seen on our streets every day..

At the heart of the book is the understanding that the world around us and threats we face are in constant change. As such we need an adaptable set of foundation security habits which allow us to deal with the world as it is. Collicutt shows how we need to pass on those habits to our teenagers and young adults as they prepare to leave home.

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